Q TZWyUZWyU)(`ӭP@ZWyU`WWyUdXWyU-XWyU@ZWyUp$gp$g?BZWyUBZWyU@connection.ceXWyU@eXWyU?@ZWyU@ZWyUYWyUDZWyUAonnection_disconnectedXWyU`WWyUPYWyUYWyUNZWyUYWyU`$ @YWyU 11EZWyUEZWyUZWyU`ӭA EZWyU@ZWyU`ZWyU@ZWyUFZWyU~ @'q`>Pp>>?>>>>`?0?@@?PEZWyUIZWyUIZWyUIZWyUIZWyUS@YWyUIZWyUPIZWyUPIZWyU)(FZWyUIZWyUsubscriptionsdovecot.list.index@0>`>Pp>>?>>>>`?0?@@?VZWyUZWyUNZWyUpppYWyU@YWyUinteger $minlength The minimum length * @property integer $maxlength The maximum length * @property integer $minval The minimum value * @property integer $maxval The maximum value * @property integer $rgxp The regular expression name * @property boolean $isHexColor The field value is a hex color * @property string $strTable The table name * @property string $strField The field name * @property string $xlabel * @property string $customRgxp * @property string $errorMsg * @property integer $currentRecord * @property integer $rowClass * @property integer $rowClassConfirm * @property integer $storeValues * @property boolean $includeBlankOption * @property string $blankOptionLabel */ abstract class Widget extends Controller { use TemplateInheritance; /** * Id * @var integer */ protected $strId; /** * Name * @var string */ protected $strName; /** * Label * @var string */ protected $strLabel; /** * Value * @var mixed */ protected $varValue; /** * Input callback * @var callable */ protected $inputCallback; /** * CSS class * @var string */ protected $strClass; /** * CSS class prefix * @var string */ protected $strPrefix; /** * Wizard * @var string */ protected $strWizard; /** * Errors * @var array */ protected $arrErrors = array(); /** * Attributes * @var array */ protected $arrAttributes = array(); /** * Configuration * @var array */ protected $arrConfiguration = array(); /** * Options * @var array */ protected $arrOptions = array(); /** * Submit indicator * @var boolean */ protected $blnSubmitInput = false; /** * For attribute indicator * @var boolean */ protected $blnForAttribute = false; /** * Data container * @var object */ protected $objDca; /** * Initialize the object * * @param array $arrAttributes An optional attributes array */ public function __construct($arrAttributes=null) { parent::__construct(); $this->addAttributes($arrAttributes); } /** * Set an object property * * @param string $strKey The property name * @param mixed $varValue The property value */ public function __set($strKey, $varValue) { switch ($strKey) { case 'id': $this->strId = $varValue; break; case 'name': $this->strName = $varValue; break; case 'label': $this->strLabel = $varValue; break; case 'value': if (\is_float($varValue)) { // Prevent exponential notations (see #5296) $this->varValue = StringUtil::numberToString($varValue); } else { $this->varValue = StringUtil::deserialize($varValue); } // Decrypt the value if it is encrypted if ($this->arrConfiguration['encrypt'] ?? null) { $this->varValue = Encryption::decrypt($this->varValue); } break; case 'class': if ($varValue && strpos($this->strClass ?? '', $varValue) === false) { $this->strClass = trim($this->strClass . ' ' . $varValue); } break; case 'prefix': $this->strPrefix = $varValue; break; case 'template': $this->strTemplate = $varValue; break; case 'wizard': $this->strWizard = $varValue; break; case 'autocomplete': case 'autocorrect': case 'autocapitalize': case 'spellcheck': if (\is_bool($varValue)) { $varValue = $varValue ? 'on' : 'off'; } // no break case 'alt': case 'style': case 'accesskey': case 'onblur': case 'onchange': case 'onclick': case 'ondblclick': case 'onfocus': case 'onmousedown': case 'onmousemove': case 'onmouseout': case 'onmouseover': case 'onmouseup': case 'onkeydown': case 'onkeypress': case 'onkeyup': case 'onselect': $this->arrAttributes[$strKey] = $varValue; break; case 'tabindex': if ($varValue > 0) { trigger_deprecation('contao/core-bundle', '4.12', 'Using a tabindex value greater than 0 has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0.'); $this->arrAttributes['tabindex'] = $varValue; } break; case 'disabled': case 'readonly': $this->blnSubmitInput = $varValue ? false : true; // no break case 'autofocus': if ($varValue) { $this->arrAttributes[$strKey] = $strKey; } else { unset($this->arrAttributes[$strKey]); } break; case 'required': if ($varValue) { $this->strClass = trim($this->strClass . ' mandatory'); } // no break case 'mandatory': case 'nospace': case 'allowHtml': case 'storeFile': case 'useHomeDir': case 'storeValues': case 'trailingSlash': case 'spaceToUnderscore': case 'doNotTrim': case 'useRawRequestData': $this->arrConfiguration[$strKey] = $varValue ? true : false; break; case 'forAttribute': $this->blnForAttribute = $varValue; break; case 'dataContainer': $this->objDca = $varValue; break; case strncmp($strKey, 'ng-', 3) === 0: case strncmp($strKey, 'data-', 5) === 0: $this->arrAttributes[$strKey] = $varValue; break; default: $this->arrConfiguration[$strKey] = $varValue; break; } } /** * Return an object property * * @param string $strKey The property name * * @return string The property value */ public function __get($strKey) { switch ($strKey) { case 'id': return $this->strId; case 'name': return $this->strName; case 'label': return $this->strLabel; case 'value': // Encrypt the value if (isset($this->arrConfiguration['encrypt']) && $this->arrConfiguration['encrypt']) { return Encryption::encrypt($this->varValue); } if ($this->varValue === '') { return $this->getEmptyStringOrNull(); } return $this->varValue; case 'class': return $this->strClass; case 'prefix': return $this->strPrefix; case 'template': return $this->strTemplate; case 'wizard': return $this->strWizard; case 'required': return $this->arrConfiguration[$strKey] ?? null; case 'forAttribute': return $this->blnForAttribute; case 'dataContainer': return $this->objDca; case 'activeRecord': return $this->objDca->activeRecord; default: if (isset($this->arrAttributes[$strKey])) { return $this->arrAttributes[$strKey]; } if (isset($this->arrConfiguration[$strKey])) { return $this->arrConfiguration[$strKey]; } break; } return parent::__get($strKey); } /** * Check whether an object property exists * * @param string $strKey The property name * * @return boolean True if the property exists */ public function __isset($strKey) { switch ($strKey) { case 'id': return isset($this->strId); case 'name': return isset($this->strName); case 'label': return isset($this->strLabel); case 'value': return isset($this->varValue); case 'class': return isset($this->strClass); case 'template': return isset($this->strTemplate); case 'wizard': return isset($this->strWizard); case 'required': return isset($this->arrConfiguration[$strKey]); case 'forAttribute': return isset($this->blnForAttribute); case 'dataContainer': return isset($this->objDca); case 'activeRecord': return isset($this->objDca->activeRecord); default: return isset($this->arrAttributes[$strKey]) || isset($this->arrConfiguration[$strKey]); } } /** * Add an attribute * * @param string $strName The attribute name * @param mixed $varValue The attribute value */ public function addAttribute($strName, $varValue) { $this->arrAttributes[$strName] = $varValue; } /** * Add an error message * * @param string $strError The error message */ public function addError($strError) { $this->class = 'error'; $this->arrErrors[] = $strError; } /** * Return true if the widget has errors * * @return boolean True if there are errors */ public function hasErrors() { return !empty($this->arrErrors); } /** * Return the errors array * * @return array An array of error messages */ public function getErrors() { return $this->arrErrors; } /** * Return a particular error as string * * @param integer $intIndex The message index * * @return string The corresponding error message */ public function getErrorAsString($intIndex=0) { return $this->arrErrors[$intIndex]; } /** * Return all errors as string separated by a given separator * * @param string $strSeparator An optional separator (defaults to "
") * * @return string The error messages string */ public function getErrorsAsString($strSeparator=null) { if ($strSeparator === null) { $strSeparator = 'strTagEnding . "\n"; } return $this->hasErrors() ? implode($strSeparator, $this->arrErrors) : ''; } /** * Return a particular error as HTML string * * @param integer $intIndex The message index * * @return string The HTML markup of the corresponding error message */ public function getErrorAsHTML($intIndex=0) { return $this->hasErrors() ? sprintf('


', ((TL_MODE == 'BE') ? 'tl_error tl_tip' : 'error'), $this->arrErrors[$intIndex]) : ''; } /** * Return true if the widgets submits user input * * @return boolean True if the widget submits user input */ public function submitInput() { return $this->blnSubmitInput; } /** * Parse the template file and return it as string * * @param array $arrAttributes An optional attributes array * * @return string The template markup */ public function parse($arrAttributes=null) { if (!$this->strTemplate) { return ''; } $this->addAttributes($arrAttributes); $this->mandatoryField = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['mandatory']; if ($this->customTpl) { $request = System::getContainer()->get('request_stack')->getCurrentRequest(); // Use the custom template unless it is a back end request if (!$request || !System::getContainer()->get('contao.routing.scope_matcher')->isBackendRequest($request)) { $this->strTemplate = $this->customTpl; } } $strBuffer = $this->inherit(); // HOOK: add custom parse filters (see #5553) if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['parseWidget']) && \is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['parseWidget'])) { foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['parseWidget'] as $callback) { $this->import($callback[0]); $strBuffer = $this->{$callback[0]}->{$callback[1]}($strBuffer, $this); } } return $strBuffer; } /** * Generate the label and return it as string * * @return string The label markup */ public function generateLabel() { if (!$this->strLabel) { return ''; } return sprintf( '%s%s%s', ($this->blnForAttribute ? ' for="ctrl_' . $this->strId . '"' : ''), ($this->strClass ? ' class="' . $this->strClass . '"' : ''), ($this->mandatory ? '' : ''), $this->strLabel, ($this->mandatory ? '*' : '') ); } /** * Generate the widget and return it as string * * @return string The widget markup */ abstract public function generate(); /** * Generate the widget with error message and return it as string * * @param boolean $blnSwitchOrder If true, the error message will be shown below the field * * @return string The form field markup */ public function generateWithError($blnSwitchOrder=false) { $strWidget = $this->generate(); $strError = $this->getErrorAsHTML(); return $blnSwitchOrder ? $strWidget . $strError : $strError . $strWidget; } /** * Return all attributes as string * * @param array $arrStrip An optional array with attributes to strip * * @return string The attributes string */ public function getAttributes($arrStrip=array()) { $strAttributes = ''; foreach (array_keys($this->arrAttributes) as $strKey) { if (!\in_array($strKey, $arrStrip)) { $strAttributes .= $this->getAttribute($strKey); } } return $strAttributes; } /** * Return a single attribute * * @param string $strKey The attribute name * * @return string The attribute markup */ public function getAttribute($strKey) { if (!isset($this->arrAttributes[$strKey])) { return ''; } $varValue = $this->arrAttributes[$strKey]; // Prevent the autofocus attribute from being added multiple times (see #8281) if ($strKey == 'autofocus') { unset($this->arrAttributes[$strKey]); } if ($strKey == 'disabled' || $strKey == 'readonly' || $strKey == 'required' || $strKey == 'autofocus' || $strKey == 'multiple') { return ' ' . $strKey; } if ('' !== (string) $varValue) { return ' ' . $strKey . '="' . StringUtil::specialchars($varValue) . '"'; } return ''; } /** * Set a callback to fetch the widget input instead of using getPost() * * @param callable|null $callback The callback * * @return $this The widget object */ public function setInputCallback(callable $callback=null) { $this->inputCallback = $callback; return $this; } /** * Validate the user input and set the value */ public function validate() { $varValue = $this->validator($this->getPost($this->strName)); if ($this->hasErrors()) { $this->class = 'error'; } $this->varValue = $varValue; } /** * Find and return a $_POST variable * * @param string $strKey The variable name * * @return mixed The variable value */ protected function getPost($strKey) { if (\is_callable($this->inputCallback)) { return ($this->inputCallback)(); } if ($this->useRawRequestData === true) { $request = System::getContainer()->get('request_stack')->getCurrentRequest(); return $request->request->get($strKey); } $strMethod = $this->allowHtml ? 'postHtml' : 'post'; if ($this->preserveTags) { $strMethod = 'postRaw'; } // Support arrays (thanks to Andreas Schempp) $arrParts = explode('[', str_replace(']', '', (string) $strKey)); $varValue = Input::$strMethod(array_shift($arrParts), $this->decodeEntities); foreach ($arrParts as $part) { if (!\is_array($varValue)) { break; } $varValue = $varValue[$part] ?? null; } return $varValue; } /** * Recursively validate an input variable * * @param mixed $varInput The user input * * @return mixed The original or modified user input */ protected function validator($varInput) { if (\is_array($varInput)) { foreach ($varInput as $k=>$v) { $varInput[$k] = $this->validator($v); } return $varInput; } if (!$this->doNotTrim && \is_string($varInput)) { $varInput = trim($varInput); } if ((string) $varInput === '') { if (!$this->mandatory) { return ''; } if (!$this->strLabel) { $this->addError($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['mdtryNoLabel']); } else { $this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['mandatory'], $this->strLabel)); } } if ($this->minlength && $varInput && mb_strlen($varInput) < $this->minlength) { $this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['minlength'], $this->strLabel, $this->minlength)); } if ($this->maxlength && $varInput && mb_strlen($varInput) > $this->maxlength) { $this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['maxlength'], $this->strLabel, $this->maxlength)); } if ($this->minval && is_numeric($varInput) && $varInput < $this->minval) { $this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['minval'], $this->strLabel, $this->minval)); } if ($this->maxval && is_numeric($varInput) && $varInput > $this->maxval) { $this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['maxval'], $this->strLabel, $this->maxval)); } if ($this->rgxp) { switch ($this->rgxp) { case strncmp($this->rgxp, 'digit_', 6) === 0: // Special validation rule for style sheets $textual = explode('_', $this->rgxp); array_shift($textual); if (\in_array($varInput, $textual) || strncmp($varInput, '$', 1) === 0) { break; } // no break case 'digit': // Support decimal commas and convert them automatically (see #3488) if (substr_count($varInput, ',') == 1 && strpos($varInput, '.') === false) { $varInput = str_replace(',', '.', $varInput); } if (!Validator::isNumeric($varInput)) { $this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['digit'], $this->strLabel)); } break; case 'natural': if (!Validator::isNatural($varInput)) { $this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['natural'], $this->strLabel)); } break; case 'alpha': if (!Validator::isAlphabetic($varInput)) { $this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['alpha'], $this->strLabel)); } break; case 'alnum': if (!Validator::isAlphanumeric($varInput)) { $this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['alnum'], $this->strLabel)); } break; case 'extnd': if (!Validator::isExtendedAlphanumeric(html_entity_decode($varInput, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE | ENT_HTML5))) { $this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['extnd'], $this->strLabel)); } break; case 'date': if (!Validator::isDate($varInput)) { $this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['date'], Date::getInputFormat(Date::getNumericDateFormat()))); } else { // Validate the date (see #5086) try { new Date($varInput, Date::getNumericDateFormat()); } catch (\OutOfBoundsException $e) { $this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['invalidDate'], $varInput)); } } break; case 'time': if (!Validator::isTime($varInput)) { $this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['time'], Date::getInputFormat(Date::getNumericTimeFormat()))); } break; case 'datim': if (!Validator::isDatim($varInput)) { $this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['dateTime'], Date::getInputFormat(Date::getNumericDatimFormat()))); } else { // Validate the date (see #5086) try { new Date($varInput, Date::getNumericDatimFormat()); } catch (\OutOfBoundsException $e) { $this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['invalidDate'], $varInput)); } } break; case 'friendly': list ($strName, $varInput) = StringUtil::splitFriendlyEmail($varInput); // no break case 'email': if (!Validator::isEmail($varInput)) { $this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['email'], $this->strLabel)); } if ($this->rgxp == 'friendly' && !empty($strName)) { $varInput = $strName . ' [' . $varInput . ']'; } break; case 'emails': // Check whether the current value is list of valid e-mail addresses $arrEmails = StringUtil::trimsplit(',', $varInput); foreach ($arrEmails as $strEmail) { $strEmail = Idna::encodeEmail($strEmail); if (!Validator::isEmail($strEmail)) { $this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['emails'], $this->strLabel)); break; } } break; case 'url': $varInput = StringUtil::specialcharsUrl($varInput); if ($this->decodeEntities) { $varInput = StringUtil::decodeEntities($varInput); } if (!Validator::isUrl($varInput)) { $this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['url'], $this->strLabel)); } break; case 'alias': if (!Validator::isAlias($varInput)) { $this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['alias'], $this->strLabel)); } break; case 'folderalias': if (!Validator::isFolderAlias($varInput)) { $this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['folderalias'], $this->strLabel)); } break; case 'phone': if (!Validator::isPhone(html_entity_decode($varInput, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE | ENT_HTML5))) { $this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['phone'], $this->strLabel)); } break; case 'prcnt': if (!Validator::isPercent($varInput)) { $this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['prcnt'], $this->strLabel)); } break; case 'locale': if (!Validator::isLocale($varInput)) { $this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['locale'], $this->strLabel)); } break; case 'language': if (!Validator::isLanguage($varInput)) { $this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['language'], $this->strLabel)); } break; case 'google+': if (!Validator::isGooglePlusId($varInput)) { $this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['invalidGoogleId'], $this->strLabel)); } break; case 'fieldname': if (!Validator::isFieldName($varInput)) { $this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['invalidFieldName'], $this->strLabel)); } break; // HOOK: pass unknown tags to callback functions default: if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['addCustomRegexp']) && \is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['addCustomRegexp'])) { foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['addCustomRegexp'] as $callback) { $this->import($callback[0]); $break = $this->{$callback[0]}->{$callback[1]}($this->rgxp, $varInput, $this); // Stop the loop if a callback returned true if ($break === true) { break; } } } break; } } if ($this->isHexColor && $varInput && strncmp($varInput, '$', 1) !== 0) { $varInput = preg_replace('/[^a-f0-9]+/i', '', $varInput); } if ($this->nospace && preg_match('/[\t ]+/', $varInput)) { $this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['noSpace'], $this->strLabel)); } if ($this->spaceToUnderscore) { $varInput = preg_replace('/\s+/', '_', trim($varInput)); } if (\is_bool($this->trailingSlash) && $varInput) { $varInput = preg_replace('/\/+$/', '', $varInput) . ($this->trailingSlash ? '/' : ''); } return $varInput; } /** * Take an associative array and add it to the object's attributes * * @param array $arrAttributes An array of attributes */ public function addAttributes($arrAttributes) { if (!\is_array($arrAttributes)) { return; } foreach ($arrAttributes as $k=>$v) { $this->$k = $v; } } /** * Check whether an option is checked * * @param array $arrOption The options array * * @return string The "checked" attribute or an empty string */ protected function isChecked($arrOption) { if (empty($this->varValue) && empty($_POST) && ($arrOption['default'] ?? null)) { return static::optionChecked(1, 1); } return static::optionChecked($arrOption['value'] ?? null, $this->varValue); } /** * Check whether an option is selected * * @param array $arrOption The options array * * @return string The "selected" attribute or an empty string */ protected function isSelected($arrOption) { if (empty($this->varValue) && empty($_POST) && ($arrOption['default'] ?? null)) { return static::optionSelected(1, 1); } return static::optionSelected($arrOption['value'] ?? null, $this->varValue); } /** * Return a "selected" attribute if the option is selected * * @param string $strOption The option to check * @param mixed $varValues One or more values to check against * * @return string The attribute or an empty string */ public static function optionSelected($strOption, $varValues) { if ($strOption === '') { return ''; } return (\is_array($varValues) ? \in_array($strOption, $varValues) : $strOption == $varValues) ? ' selected' : ''; } /** * Return a "checked" attribute if the option is checked * * @param string $strOption The option to check * @param mixed $varValues One or more values to check against * * @return string The attribute or an empty string */ public static function optionChecked($strOption, $varValues) { if ($strOption === '') { return ''; } return (\is_array($varValues) ? \in_array($strOption, $varValues) : $strOption == $varValues) ? ' checked' : ''; } /** * Check whether an input is one of the given options * * @param mixed $varInput The input string or array * * @return boolean True if the selected option exists */ protected function isValidOption($varInput) { if (!\is_array($varInput)) { $varInput = array($varInput); } // Check each option foreach ($varInput as $strInput) { $blnFound = false; foreach ($this->arrOptions as $v) { // Single dimensional array if (\array_key_exists('value', $v)) { if ($strInput == $v['value']) { $blnFound = true; } } // Multi-dimensional array else { foreach ($v as $vv) { if ($strInput == $vv['value']) { $blnFound = true; } } } } if (!$blnFound) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Extract the Widget attributes from a Data Container array * * @param array $arrData The field configuration array * @param string $strName The field name in the form * @param mixed $varValue The field value * @param string $strField The field name in the database * @param string $strTable The table name in the database * @param DataContainer|Module|null $objDca An optional DataContainer or Module object * * @return array An attributes array that can be passed to a widget */ public static function getAttributesFromDca($arrData, $strName, $varValue=null, $strField='', $strTable='', $objDca=null) { $arrAttributes = $arrData['eval'] ?? array(); if (method_exists(System::getContainer(), 'getParameterBag')) { $objParameterBag = System::getContainer()->getParameterBag(); foreach ($arrAttributes as $strAttrKey => $varAttrValue) { if (!\is_string($varAttrValue) || !preg_match('/%[a-z][a-z0-9_]*\.[a-z0-9_.]+%/i', $varAttrValue)) { continue; } $varAttrValue = $objParameterBag->resolveValue($varAttrValue); $varAttrValue = $objParameterBag->unescapeValue($varAttrValue); $arrAttributes[$strAttrKey] = $varAttrValue; } } $arrAttributes['id'] = $strName; $arrAttributes['name'] = $strName; $arrAttributes['strField'] = $strField; $arrAttributes['strTable'] = $strTable; $arrAttributes['label'] = (($label = \is_array($arrData['label'] ?? null) ? $arrData['label'][0] : $arrData['label'] ?? null) !== null) ? $label : $strField; $arrAttributes['description'] = $arrData['label'][1] ?? null; $arrAttributes['type'] = $arrData['inputType'] ?? null; $arrAttributes['dataContainer'] = $objDca; $arrAttributes['value'] = StringUtil::deserialize($varValue); // Internet Explorer does not support onchange for checkboxes and radio buttons if ($arrData['eval']['submitOnChange'] ?? null) { if (($arrData['inputType'] ?? null) == 'checkbox' || ($arrData['inputType'] ?? null) == 'checkboxWizard' || ($arrData['inputType'] ?? null) == 'radio' || ($arrData['inputType'] ?? null) == 'radioTable') { $arrAttributes['onclick'] = trim(($arrAttributes['onclick'] ?? '') . " Backend.autoSubmit('" . $strTable . "')"); } else { $arrAttributes['onchange'] = trim(($arrAttributes['onchange'] ?? '') . " Backend.autoSubmit('" . $strTable . "')"); } } if (!empty($arrData['eval']['preserveTags'])) { $arrAttributes['allowHtml'] = true; } if (!isset($arrAttributes['allowHtml'])) { $rte = $arrData['eval']['rte'] ?? ''; $arrAttributes['allowHtml'] = 'ace|html' === $rte || 0 === strpos($rte, 'tiny'); } // Decode entities if HTML is allowed if ($arrAttributes['allowHtml'] || ($arrData['inputType'] ?? null) == 'fileTree') { $arrAttributes['decodeEntities'] = true; } // Add Ajax event if (($arrData['inputType'] ?? null) == 'checkbox' && ($arrData['eval']['submitOnChange'] ?? null) && \is_array($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$strTable]['subpalettes'] ?? null) && \array_key_exists($strField, $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$strTable]['subpalettes'])) { $arrAttributes['onclick'] = "AjaxRequest.toggleSubpalette(this, 'sub_" . $strName . "', '" . $strField . "')"; } // Options callback if (\is_array($arrData['options_callback'] ?? null)) { $arrCallback = $arrData['options_callback']; $arrData['options'] = static::importStatic($arrCallback[0])->{$arrCallback[1]}($objDca); } elseif (\is_callable($arrData['options_callback'] ?? null)) { $arrData['options'] = $arrData['options_callback']($objDca); } // Foreign key elseif (isset($arrData['foreignKey'])) { $arrKey = explode('.', $arrData['foreignKey'], 2); $strField = Database::quoteIdentifier($arrData['relation']['field'] ?? 'id'); $objOptions = Database::getInstance()->query("SELECT $strField as id, " . $arrKey[1] . " AS value FROM " . $arrKey[0] . " WHERE tstamp>0 ORDER BY value"); $arrData['options'] = array(); while ($objOptions->next()) { $arrData['options'][$objOptions->id] = $objOptions->value; } } // Add default option to single checkbox if (($arrData['inputType'] ?? null) == 'checkbox' && !isset($arrData['options']) && !isset($arrData['options_callback']) && !isset($arrData['foreignKey'])) { if (TL_MODE == 'FE' && isset($arrAttributes['description'])) { $arrAttributes['options'][] = array('value'=>1, 'label'=>$arrAttributes['description']); } else { $arrAttributes['options'][] = array('value'=>1, 'label'=>$arrAttributes['label']); } } // Add options if (\is_array($arrData['options'] ?? null)) { $blnIsAssociative = ($arrData['eval']['isAssociative'] ?? null) || ArrayUtil::isAssoc($arrData['options'] ?? null); $blnUseReference = isset($arrData['reference']); if (($arrData['eval']['includeBlankOption'] ?? null) && !($arrData['eval']['multiple'] ?? null)) { $strLabel = $arrData['eval']['blankOptionLabel'] ?? '-'; $arrAttributes['options'][] = array('value'=>'', 'label'=>$strLabel); } $unknown = (array) $arrAttributes['value']; foreach ($arrData['options'] as $k=>$v) { if (!\is_array($v)) { $value = $blnIsAssociative ? $k : $v; if (($i = array_search($value, $unknown)) !== false) { unset($unknown[$i]); } $arrAttributes['options'][] = array('value'=>$value, 'label'=>($blnUseReference && isset($arrData['reference'][$v]) ? (($ref = (\is_array($arrData['reference'][$v]) ? $arrData['reference'][$v][0] : $arrData['reference'][$v])) ? $ref : $v) : $v)); continue; } $key = $blnUseReference && isset($arrData['reference'][$k]) ? (($ref = (\is_array($arrData['reference'][$k]) ? $arrData['reference'][$k][0] : $arrData['reference'][$k])) ? $ref : $k) : $k; $blnIsAssoc = ArrayUtil::isAssoc($v); foreach ($v as $kk=>$vv) { $value = $blnIsAssoc ? $kk : $vv; if (($i = array_search($value, $unknown)) !== false) { unset($unknown[$i]); } $arrAttributes['options'][$key][] = array('value'=>$value, 'label'=>($blnUseReference && isset($arrData['reference'][$vv]) ? (($ref = (\is_array($arrData['reference'][$vv]) ? $arrData['reference'][$vv][0] : $arrData['reference'][$vv])) ? $ref : $vv) : $vv)); } } $arrAttributes['unknownOption'] = array_filter($unknown); } if (\is_array($arrAttributes['sql'] ?? null) && !isset($arrAttributes['sql']['columnDefinition'])) { if (!isset($arrAttributes['maxlength']) && isset($arrAttributes['sql']['length'])) { $arrAttributes['maxlength'] = $arrAttributes['sql']['length']; } if (!isset($arrAttributes['unique']) && isset($arrAttributes['sql']['customSchemaOptions']['unique'])) { $arrAttributes['unique'] = $arrAttributes['sql']['customSchemaOptions']['unique']; } } // Convert timestamps if ($varValue !== null && $varValue !== '' && \in_array($arrData['eval']['rgxp'] ?? null, array('date', 'time', 'datim'))) { $objDate = new Date($varValue, Date::getFormatFromRgxp($arrData['eval']['rgxp'])); $arrAttributes['value'] = $objDate->{$arrData['eval']['rgxp']}; } // Convert URL insert tags if ($varValue && 'url' === ($arrData['eval']['rgxp'] ?? null)) { $arrAttributes['value'] = str_replace('|urlattr}}', '}}', $varValue); } // Add the "rootNodes" array as attribute (see #3563) if (isset($arrData['rootNodes']) && !isset($arrData['eval']['rootNodes'])) { $arrAttributes['rootNodes'] = $arrData['rootNodes']; } // HOOK: add custom logic if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getAttributesFromDca']) && \is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getAttributesFromDca'])) { foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getAttributesFromDca'] as $callback) { $arrAttributes = static::importStatic($callback[0])->{$callback[1]}($arrAttributes, $objDca); } } // Warn if someone uses the "encrypt" flag (see #8589) if (isset($arrAttributes['encrypt'])) { trigger_deprecation('contao/core-bundle', '4.0', 'Using the "encrypt" flag' . (!empty($strTable) && !empty($strField) ? ' on ' . $strTable . '.' . $strField : '') . ' has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use the load and save callbacks with a third-party library such as OpenSSL or phpseclib instead.'); } return $arrAttributes; } /** * Return the empty value based on the SQL string * * @return string|integer|null The empty value */ public function getEmptyValue() { if (!isset($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$this->strField]['sql'])) { return ''; } return static::getEmptyValueByFieldType($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$this->strField]['sql']); } /** * Return the empty value based on the SQL string * * @param string|array $sql The SQL string * * @return string|integer|null The empty value */ public static function getEmptyValueByFieldType($sql) { if (empty($sql)) { return ''; } if (\is_array($sql)) { if (isset($sql['columnDefinition'])) { $sql = $sql['columnDefinition']; } else { if (isset($sql['notnull']) && !$sql['notnull']) { return null; } if (\in_array($sql['type'], array(Types::BIGINT, Types::DECIMAL, Types::INTEGER, Types::SMALLINT, Types::FLOAT))) { return 0; } if ($sql['type'] === Types::BOOLEAN) { return false; } return ''; } } if (stripos($sql, 'NOT NULL') === false) { return null; } $type = strtolower(preg_replace('/^([A-Za-z]+)[( ].*$/', '$1', $sql)); if (\in_array($type, array('int', 'integer', 'tinyint', 'smallint', 'mediumint', 'bigint', 'float', 'double', 'dec', 'decimal'))) { return 0; } return ''; } /** * Return either an empty string or null based on the SQL string * * @return string|int|null The empty value */ public function getEmptyStringOrNull() { if (!isset($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$this->strField]['sql'])) { return ''; } return static::getEmptyStringOrNullByFieldType($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$this->strField]['sql']); } /** * Return either an empty string or null based on the SQL string * * @param string $sql The SQL string * * @return string|null The empty string or null */ public static function getEmptyStringOrNullByFieldType($sql) { if (empty($sql)) { return ''; } return static::getEmptyValueByFieldType($sql) === null ? null : ''; } /** * Generate a submit button * * @return string The submit button markup * * @deprecated Deprecated since Contao 4.0, to be removed in Contao 5.0. */ protected function addSubmit() { trigger_deprecation('contao/core-bundle', '4.0', 'Using "Contao\Widget::addSubmit()" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0.'); return ''; } } class_alias(Widget::class, 'Widget'); An Error Occurred: Internal Server Error

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The server returned a "500 Internal Server Error".

Something is broken. Please let us know what you were doing when this error occurred. We will fix it as soon as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.